Getting Started

The InEKF library has been designed to be straightforward and simple to use, while still being versatile.

First, we must import the library, and any dependencies.

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <InEKF/Core>
#include <InEKF/SE2Models>


TODO: Insert citation to InEKF tutorial here for more info about things!

Using Lie Groups

The Lie groups in the library are heavily templated to allow for simple usage of any Lie group. The special orthogonal groups SO are templated to allow tracking additional Euclidean states alongside the group (defaults to 0), and the special Euclidean groups SE are templated to allow the additional Euclidean states along with any number of positional columns (defaults to 1).

We’ve also repurposed the bracket [] in python to allow for a near identical usage across APIs. If using C++17 or python, these can templates can be omitted if using the defaults. We assume throughout C++17 is used, and ommit the empty <>.

// Two columns, one Euclidean state
InEKF::SE2<2,1> x1();

// If using C++17
// One column, no Euclidean states
// 0 rotation, 1 for x and y, covariance of identities
InEKF::SE2 x2(0, 1, 1, Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity());

// If using older standard of C++
InEKF::SE2<> x3(0, 1, 1, Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity());

They each have a number of constructors, see C++ Lie Groups and Python Lie Groups for more details.


If no covariance is passed to the constructor, the state is assumed to be “certain” and no covariance is set. If you wish to have covariance tracked (necessary for use in InEKF), make sure you set this.

Further, each group is equipped with a number of common operations, such as

  • Inverse

  • Group action (multiplication)

  • Wedge ^ operator

  • Exp/Log

  • Adjoint

Along with these is overloading of () to return the state matrix, and [] to retrieve a specific column.

InEKF::SE2 x(0,1,2);
InEKF::SE2 y(3,4,5);
Eigen::Vector3d xi{1,2,3};

// Group methods

// Static methods

// Getters
// SO2 object
// Vector 1,2
// Covariance
// Get additional Euclidean states

Making Models

Next, process and measurement models must be made. You’ll likely need a custom process model done via inheritance, for this see Custom Models. You can also customize measurement models (see same link), but the built in is robust enough for most purposes.

For example, here’s creation of a simple odometry model in SE(2),

// Set the covariance of theta (rad), x, y
InEKF::OdometryProcess pModel(0.001, 0.05, 0.05);

An invariant measurement model is either a left \(Xb + w\) or right \(X^{-1}b + w\). The invariant model is then defined by this b vector, the covariance of w, and whether it’s a right or a left measurement. The linearized innovation matrix H is then automatically created. For example, we’ll set up a GPS sensor in SE(2), which is left invariant,

// Make b vector
Eigen::Vector3d b{0, 0, 1};

// Make covariance
Eigen::Matrix2d M = Eigen::Matrix2d::Identity()*.01;

// Make model
InEKF::MeasureModel<InEKF::SE2> gps(b, M, InEKF::ERROR::LEFT);

Or similarly, a compass measuring exactly true north, which is right invariant,

// Make b vector
Eigen::Vector3d b{1, 0, 0};

// Make covariance
Eigen::Matrix2d M = Eigen::Matrix2d::Identity()*.01;

// Make model
InEKF::MeasureModel<InEKF::SE2> compass(b, M, InEKF::RIGHT);

Making & Using the InEKF

Finally, we make the InEKF. The InEKF takes 3 arguments in its constructor: the process model, an initial estimate, and whether to run a right or left InEKF.

// Make initial estimate
Eigen::Matrix3d cov = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity()*.1;
InEKF::SE2 x0(0, 0, 0, cov);

// Make Right InEKF
InEKF::InEKF iekf(&pModel, x0, InEKF::RIGHT);
iekf.addMeasureModel("gps", &gps);
iekf.addMeasureModel("compass", &compass);

Using the predict and update steps is just as easy (we make fake data here to use). While technically an invariant measurement will have extra ones or zeros on the end, the MeasureModel class will take care of appending these when needed. This steps are generally done in a loop and are executed when data is received. After each step is ran it will return the corresponding state estimate which can also be accessed using getState in C++ or the state property in python.

InEKF::SE2 state;

// Prediction step with some control U
InEKF::SE2 U(.1, .1, .1);
// Predict also takes an optional dt, which may or may not
// be used, depending on the process model (not needed in this case)
state = iekf.predict(U);

// Update gps with location measurement = 1,1
// We include the needed one here as well
Eigen::Vector3d z_gps{1, 1, 1};
// Updates with name we put in before
state = iekf.update("gps", z_gps);

// Update compass with measurement = 1, 0
// Model appends the extra 0 is this case
Eigen::Vector2d z_compass{1, 0};
state = iekf.update("compass", z_compass);

// Get most recent state
state = iekf.getState();

More examples can be found in the bitbucket repository, both in C++ and python.