Custom Models

InEKF is set up so your process/measure models will be an easy extension and continue to function with InEKF and LieGroups if defined properly. Note this can be done in python or C++. The following is what must be defined/done to successfully do this. The following methods/variables for each base class must be implemented/set


All methods are already implemented in the MeasureModel class, so the base class can be used in most scenarios. This means when you do want to make a custom measurement class, which methods to override can be decided on a case by case basis. The MeasureModel constructor takes in the vector b, covariance M, and type of error and from these makes H accordingly. It is also templated by the type of group that it is defined on.

If you decide to override, make sure you call the base class constructor and set the error, or set the first 4 values of the following, otherwise they default to all zeros.




Type of invariant measurement, of type InEKF::ERROR.


Noise parameter. A default should be set in the constructor, and possible a method made to set it


b vector in invariant measurement model. Can be used to set H_ through setHandb() and if the first few elements are nonzero, is needed in calcV()


Linearized innovation matrix H. Can be set manually or from Will be hit with adjoint depending on type of filter.


Any preprocessing that needs to be done on z should be done here. This could include adding 0s and 1s on the end, change of frames, etc. Returns z.


Shifts H_ by the adjoint, and saves it in H_error_ and returns it. Likely will not need to be overriden.


Accepts an exact size of z, and calculates/returns the innovation. Likely will not need to be overriden.


Calculates and returns S^{-1}, the inverse of the measurement covariance. Also likely won’t need to be overriden. Use H_error_ here.

Building a custom SE(2) measure model in C++ and python will look something like the following.

class MySensor : public InEKF::MeasureModel<InEKF::SE2<1,0>> {}

And then override functions as needed. For examples see the Inertial Models in C++ and the Underwater Inertial from scratch script in python.


In python error_, M_, and H_ are named error, M, and H, respectively. Further note, due to how the python bindings function, you can not modify M and H in place, they must be written as a whole.

As a reference, here’s what these functions will be used for in update step of the InEKF.

// Do any preprocessing on z (fill it up, frame changes, etc)
VectorB z_ = m_model->processZ(z, state_);;

// Change H via adjoint if necessary
MatrixH H = m_model->makeHError(state_, error_);

// Use measurement model to make Sinv and V
VectorV V = m_model->calcV(z_, state_);
MatrixS Sinv = m_model->calcSInverse(state_);

// Caculate K + dX
MatrixK K = state_.cov() * (H.transpose() * Sinv);
TangentVector K_V = K * V;


In contrast, the process model implements a few things that MUST be overriden. It is templated by both the group it is defined on, as well as the control input that is taken in.




State process model. Returns the state.


Creates exp(A*dt) to use. Make sure to check what type of error State is and make A accordingly


Noise parameter. A default should be set in the constructor, and possible a method made to set it

Building a custom SE(2) process model with a 3-vector as controls in C++ and python will look something like the following.

class MyProcess : public ProcessModel<SE3<1,0>, Eigen::Vector3d> {

        MyProcess(MatrixCov Q) {Q_ = Q};
        SE3<1,0> f(Eigen::Vector3d u, double dt, SE3<1,0> state) override;
        MatrixCov makePhi(const Eigen::Vector3d& u, double dt, const SE3<1,0>& state, ERROR error) override;


For examples see the Inertial Process model in C++ and the Underwater Inertial from scratch script in python.


Just like in the measure model case, here Q_ is actually named Q on the python side.. Again, due to how the python bindings function, you can not modify Q in place, it must be written as a whole.